Western Civilization Faces:Adian Husaini's Critic
Nur Fadlan
Political violence is the cause of the birth of an ideology. The church became the main focus of attention in the study of Western Civilization. Hegemony is never done by the Church had scraped nearly all the plains of Europe, and pillage the land in many parts of the world. This hegemony has become the most frightening period in European history. In some historical events, such Inquisition; never be intimidating for the terminology of the European nations when they hegemony by such a cruel punishment and for a long time. In some notes Lewis, the history of Christianity is essentially characterized by the split (schism) and disbelief (heresy). This can be witnessed in a major conflict that occurred in the Church of Constantinople, Antioch and Alexandria. History also notes the conflict between Constantinople with Rome between Catholics and Protestants as well as between different sects of Christianity.
In the course of Western Civilization, the West had passed the phase of the dark ages. This phase began in the Western Roman Empire collapsed in the year 476 AD until the end of the Church appears to be the dominant institution in Europe. Previously, Christians had long oppression of the Roman Empire, until at last the Christian gets warm welcome from the Emperor Constantine in 313 AD by the release of Edict of Milan. Terrible again, the success of Christian got a tremendous appreciation, so that in the year 392 AD was issued Edict of Theodosius, namely Christianity as state religion of the Roman Empire.
At that time the Church is the only institution that provides an alternative construction of life. Until finally, welcome to the Christian community and Christian influence potitif spread rapidly, stretching from Italy to Ireland.
In addition to success in attracting the sympathy of society, Christians also use the adoption of administrative procedures as practiced by the Romans. As I've voiced by Pope Gregory I (590-604) M. He was advocating and using administrative methods to manage the wealth of the Roman Church in Italy, Sicily, Sardinia, Gaul. Not just stop there, the Church also sent missionaries to England to perform the Anglo Saxons and has established alliances with the French king Pippin. Year 1077 AD King Henry IV to Pope Gregory VII submission with the appointment of Pope's early problems. From here the influence of Pope intensified especially in 1091 AD Action taken by the Church was also open the image of Christian courage. For example, Count of Sicily Roger won previously controlled by the Muslims. And also in the year 1085 AD, the Christian Spain to help defend the French army in Toledo.
Adian Husaini made three major classifications in the preparation of this book. The first classification, Adian describe and complete synthesis with some supporting data. In this classification, the problematic of Western Civilization studied in depth with the historical-analytical approach. West regarded him as a civilization that does not have a long aspiration. Globalization and Westernization regarded as ideological confusion. Ideology is not clear. He also identify why the West to be Secular-Liberal? Here, precisely in the chapter I sub-chapter II by Adian there are some things that the background for why wordview Secular-Liberal elected as a way of life. He cites three reasons why the West to be Secular-Liberal. By Adian mentioned, first, the problem of Christian History. This section, we discuss at length about the poor record in the history of Christian hegemony. The second, Problem Text Bible. Adian explains very clearly how problematic text which they regard as holy book had the different versions so diverse. As a result pattern that is owned by Cristian interpretation so different. The third, the Problem of Christian Theology. Here, regarded as one of the estuary of the Secular-Liberal ideology why the West was chosen as a way of life. View of Lewis and Leeuwen is a new phase where the separation between the authority of the Church with the kingdom. In addition, also, by Chadwick that the liberals are free from restraint, the liberal state, must be the secular state.
In the second chapter, a Adian tried to grope the Islamic perspective in viewing the state of Western Civilization. Figures bearers and spreaders of Western ideology deeply studied in the hope of offering wordview version of Islam. There is some instability in the concepts beresan Bernard Lewis, is in browse and find the point Adian. Not only that, a Adian also trying to raise to the surface again some code's Europe on Islam. For example, about Islam is considered mythology, Islamophobia, Terrorism, Islamic Fundamentalism and the West: A Permanent Confrontation. Here the author tries to find a bright spot. What exactly is the purpose of the terminology?
In two early chapters, Adian very unusual in several matter dives against Western Civilization. And to say the book entitled Western Civilization Faces of Christian hegemony to dominance of secular-liberal, fit into the mirror in the view state of Western Civilization. Not only that, this book ought also to be an academic reference because in essence most of the writing of data arranged in sistemic Adian Husaini-scientific. Using many primary and secondary literatus to map of Western Civilization. This is very interesting because a Adian trying to manage all historical data into the data he needs and strengthen its synthesis, after going through the process of thesis and antithesis.
However, the third chapter an attempt to use the analysis of Adian-exsploratif after discussing at length about the state of Western Civilization actually very dry from the spiritual. This, which resulted in this book seem too hot to enter Western Civilization players. For example, Adian frontally describes several case studies are considered to fail in order of civilization. First, secularism Experiment: The Case of Turkey. It should not need to mention ni depth. Because the last few decades the figure of the Islamic political order drafter, Sir Muhammad Iqbal and Abu Ala al-Mawdudi, and until now an issue of the Islamization of Pakistan's ideology was secular. Maybe we agree, that Islam is not a brand, Islam is a value system that can be entered in each line of life. So when Adian mentions "secularism Experiment: The Case of Turkey", was too frontal. If we can do in a gentle and subtle approach, why should you choose a frontal. At this point, Adian less significant.
The second, in the invasion of Western Thought: Hermeneutics and the Study of the Qur'an. Adian said Hemeneutika terms rather than from Islamic tradition probably the majority of Muslims agree. However, sampling Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd who say Al-Quran as cultural products do not need to be killed in the defeat of dialectics. Adian Husaini should use a comparative approach-non-explorative skeptical. With a figure of hope rather Nasr Hamid project along with his ideas clashed with the many existing conceptions of long ago. If the concept of Nasr Hamid Abu Zayd was weak, no need to use a skeptical approach to defeat him. Enough with the exploratory-comparative, Adian Husaini here seem excessive.
The third, invasion of the West in Islamic Thought: Religious Pluralism. Here are some interesting knots. Because Adian tried to read the cross-paradigm. That is about the definition of Islam by Al-Attas and WC Smith. Interestingly, in the description of Adian on Islam according to Al-Attas and WC Smith. The reader is left to read alone with the language that is not propokatif, because this section is not delivered with persuasive.
In addition, Adian also includes several short trips of Islamic-Christian conflict in Indonesia. It's interesting, just to be a reminder of the past and should not be repeated.
Thus some of the strengths and weaknesses of Adian Husaini book entitled Western Civilization Faces of Christian hegemony to dominance of the Secular-Liberal. The common thread in this book was actually a bit more like a statement of Muhammad Asad (Leopold Weiss). He noted that Western Civilization only follow the demands of economic, social and nationality. They inherited a powerful character in the Ancient Roman and Roman-style offers a concept of justice. In fact, the concept was just a representative for the Romans only and at that time. []
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