Nur Fadlan
Cairo, Egypt
Central Java, Indonesia
+20166749884 (Egypt)
Memiliki hobi yang selalu berubah dan tidak tentu, akan tetapi setelah bersentuhan dengan Mesir hobi dan beberapa simpul tujuan hidupnya mulai terarah dan jelas. Mesir dan isinya lah yang merubah pola pikir serta merupakan batu tapal paling utama dalam perjalanan hidup pemuda ini.
Melewati pembelajaran dan pendidikan formal: Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Miftahul Huda Gajah Demak (1994-2000), Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gajah (2000-2003), Madrasah Aliyah YPRU (Yayasan Perguruan Raudlatul Ulum) Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2003-2006), Dirrasat al-Khassah Kairo Mesir (2007), S1 al-Azhar University Kairo Mesir Fakultas Syari’ah wal Qonun tingkat IV (2007-Sekarang)
Sementara melewati beberapa pengalaman pembelajaran dan pendidikan ex-school dan non-formal diantaranya: Ketua Umum OSIS (Organisasi Intra Sekolah) MTs Negeri Gajah Demak (2000-2001), Ketua Umum Mudabir Pondok Pesantren Miftahul Huda 2001-2003, Ketua Umum ISRU / OSIS YPRU Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2004-2005), Penanggungjawab Buletin Al-Firdaus dan Majalah BANGKIT (2004-2005), Ketua Umum Mudabir PPPRU (Pondok Pesantren Putra Raudlatul Ulum) Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2005-2006), Departemen Kajian dan Diskusi IKAMARU RAM {Ikatan Alumni Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Republik Arab Mesir} (2007-2008), Koordinator Keilmuan Fakultas Syari'ah wal Qonun dalam al-Ziadah revival (2007-2008), Pimpinan Redaksi Buletin Al-Raudla IKAMARU RAM (2008-2009), Koordinator Depertemen Pendidikan KSW {Kelompok Studi Walisongo} (2008-2010), Aktif di Lakpesdam PCI-NU Mesir (2008-Sekarang), Koordinator Kajian FASKOT {Revival Depag 2006} 2008-2009), Ketua I IKAMARU RAM (2009-2010), Koordinator Kajian Politik Middle East Rumah Budaya AKAR (2009-Sekarang), Pimpinan MPA (Majlis Permusyawaratan Anggota) KSW periode 2010-2011, Ketua Pimpinan BPA-PPMI (Badan Perwakilan Anggota Persatuan Pelajar & Mahasiswa Indonesia) periode 2010-2011, Wakil Direktur Majlis Riset Masisir Persatuan Pelajar & Mahasiswa Indonesia (2010-Sekarang).
Motto hidup, Thought Became Fact. Profil andalan low profile, hub al-hidmah serta Sukma Sejati lover.
Having a hobby is always changing and uncertain, but after contact with Egypt hobby and some destination node and directed his life began to clear. Egypt and its contents was the one who change the mindset and the most important boundary stone on the way this young life.
Passing through learning and formal education: Elementary School Miftahul Huda Gajah Demak (1994-2000), Madrasah Tsanawiyah Negeri Gajah (2000-2003), Madrasah Aliyah YPRU (Yayasan Perguruan Raudlatul Ulum) Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2003-2006), Dirrasat al-Khassah Cairo, Egypt (2007), Bachelor of al-Azhar University in Cairo Egypt, Faculty of Sharia wal Qonun level IV (2007-Present)
While the past few learning experiences and ex-school education and non-formal education including: Chairman of the OSIS (Organisasi Siswa Intra Sekolah) MTs Negeri Gajah Demak (2000-2001), Chairman of Mudabir Miftahul Huda Boarding School 2001-2003, Chairman of the ISRU / OSIS YPRU Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2004-2005), Responsible Bulletin Al-Firdaus and Bangkit Magazine (2004-2005), Chairman of Mudabir PPPRU (Pondok Pesantren Putra Raudlatul Ulum) Guyangan Trangkil Pati (2005-2006), Department of Study and Discussion IKAMARU RAM {Ikatan Alumni Madrasah Aliyah Raudlatul Ulum Republik Arab Mesir} (2007-2008), Scientific Coordinator of the Faculty of Sharia wal Qonun Al-Ziadah revival (2007-2008), Chief Editor of Al-Raudla Bulletin IKAMARU RAM (2008-2009), Education Department Coordinator KSW {Kelompok Studi Walisongo} (2008-2010), Active PCI-NU Lakpesdam Egypt (2008-Present), Coordinator of Study Revival FASKOT {2006} 2008-2009), Head I IKAMARU RAM (2009-2010) , Coordinator of Middle East Studies Political Rumah Budaya AKAR (2009-Present), Chairman of the MPA (Majlis Permusyawaratan Anggota) KSW period 2010-2011, Chairman of BPA-PPMI (Badan Perwakilan Anggota Persatuan Pelajar & Mahasiswa Indonesia) in the period 2010-2011, Deputy Director Majlis Research Masisir at Students Association of Indonesia (2010-Present).
Motto of life, Thought Became Fact. Profile mainstay low profile, hub al-hidmah and Prophet lover.
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