Moses and Pharaoh

- Nur Fadlan -
The night wind was a little colder. I just looked at the sky trying to translate everything. As if it spoke a language I do not understand, but I feel it, there was something behind it all.
"It has not sold his computer, brother Anas?" Sound familiar, it turns out from the mouth Furqon. I just shook my head.
"I do not have that LE 400 at the moment." He added. I do not reply anything. Actually I was quite grateful to him because it gave me a loan of U.S. $ 400.
Breeze feels so intimate but empty. Empty because I have not been able to enjoy the peace of my soul. I really can not combine between happiness and how to achieve it, it felt like this. As if there was something jammed in my blood circulation.
Happiness for a few months ago I got the good news, I got Temus (tenaga musiman) sweepstakes this year. What a joy that was so extraordinary. I do the stages for the success chances of the holy land, ranging from administrative problems, courage readiness, life and health.
But some policy committee friends like slicing the nights my friends, including me. Always take a less mature and wise, so there are some unfortunate consequences temus other candidates.
"It's hot tea, Sister" gives Furqon me a glass of hot tea. As he sat beside me and tried to comfort me.
"Why could to get ghuramah 400 LE, brother?" Asked Furqon.
"I was also confused by the policies of the committee that such a child sometimes. Desire committee is a direct ticket to the finish them through hands Talnal and Janal. However there are some serious problems why they should be the way to take in the Fayum if there really is basically in Tahrir, and we all know that elements of the Fayum take also of the ut-Tahrir. "I drew breath and drank hot tea made Furqon.
"What my friends not to protest?"
"Yes, certainly protest Fur, so from that, the decision to tug a little longer and consequently we pay ghuramah. At first I and my friends suggested a few friends to take care of travel ticketing business without having to pass the hands of the Fayum is basically the same take it of Tahrir. There was such that we propose is a brave Travel Andus slammed prices by 2. LE 300 and they'd chosen someone who threw Fayum price 2. 800 LE. "
"Why did the committee was chosen by the hand of the Fayum is, when the price difference so far?"
"Yes ... is usual, the Talnal with apology for so long and it turned out the Fayum could only cover the seat 76. The result again I and my friends have not gotten that seat, auctioned off, eventually with friends travel Indonesia. What's worse is the committee's decision, when deciding which one should travel to the lack of seat covers. Already know all the price comparisons offered by the travel, a heeling choosing instead Rafis Travel to fix prices 3. 000 LE. "
"It's crazy, Sis!" Shocked Furqon. "Masisir was always communal in his group also did not lose the spirit to chauvimism was still very strong. I'm sure brother, it was all because of bias of individual and group interests. If you read the books GIE, GIE always oppose tyranny-tyranny, and prefers a life alienated from the life of hypocrisy "he added.
"Huh ... you this very same idolized GIE! "Furqon smiling and drinking hot tea.
"Tring ... tring ... tring ... "Telfon voice.
"Lift, Fur!" I ordered.
"Assalamu'alaikum ..." said Furqon. Everything was quiet and suddenly Furqon called "Brother .... from Talnal ".
"Assalamu'alaikum ... "I said.
"Wassalammu'alaikum, with ustadz Anas" voice from there.
"Yeah" I replied a bit. There are special concerns when he heard the voice.
"Oh yes ... temus this from the committee, should be yourselves to Tahrir met us and took money ghuramah, we wait 1 hour "voice like thunder in the night, broke into the atmosphere pitiful poignantly melodic. In my mind only, how to make money this second LE 400 as well.
"Ingsyaallah, Ustadz" I replied.
"Okay, we wait, assalamu'alaikum"
That night really made me confused. I do not know what to do? But I could not otherwise meet the friends invitation committee, this is urgent, but how do I get the LE 400 cash right now?.
"I borrow first LE 20, Fur" Furqon opened the closet to retrieve the money.
"This is Bro, ingsyaallah wallahu mustaan." He assured. I was immediately rushed ka-Tahrir to meet them.
The streets are so beautiful that night so I did not enjoy. I felt depressed because of circumstances that really squeeze. I only just remember to clear the message Furqon enlarges the heart and soul. In my heart, thump-thump of a resonant tone small, O God ease all my affairs. Along the way I just pounding the core content of heart and soul with the phrase repeatedly. Hp tremor felt in my pocket and I was adopted.
"Assalamu'alaikum ..."
"Wassalamu'alaikum, Ustadz Anas we meet in between Tahrir and Ataba course!" The voice again makes me shudder.
"Ingsyaallah" I said simply. I was referred to the place and immediately do friends temus committee. Seems there are some friends and two people temus travel representatives are doing a decent conversation seriously enough. The Janal and one representative of travel was up to me and said.
"Assalamu'alaikum ..."
"Wassalamu'alaikum ..."
"Look ustadz, we need ghuramahnya payments now." My heart fluttered just racing and I can not answer. After the sentence was out of the mouth Janal he went back to discuss again with my friends committee. There is only one of the representatives who travel there for me.
"Transaction kok in here!" Said one of travel's representative. I'm just quiet and I tell all the problems I experienced were included ghuramah payment problems.
"I also again have a problem ghuramah payment, I sell computers do not do." Representative saw me and asked.
"It's not holding the money?"
"Yeah" I said simply. Suddenly he grabbed my hand and gave me a loan.
" first use, brother. We are both a familial, casual. Pay when you go home. "Why is the ice that seemed to touch my heart. How good these people's hearts. I solve my problem so with Talnal and Janal and leave just restore the heart optimism almost nearly torn.
I came home to enjoy the city of Cairo way. Visible light mist descended slowly valley Nile River, the valley of Moses and Pharaoh. Nil you ever give to drink unto Moses, to Pharaoh's case. Today, the souls of Moses and Pharaoh continued to give you a drink. Thank God for all Your rahman rahim. []
Cairo, January 29, 2010
"I prefer to live alienated from the life of hypocrisy"
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